Richland Co., Ohio


Birth Records

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Births, 1886

Source:  newspapers of the day


Submitted by Amy


This list does NOT represent all births that took place in Richland County during the year, it is a listing of those that were reported in the source newspaper.

*The earlier the paper, the less likely it is to find births reported.

Pub. Date Gender Father Mother Date Address Notes Source


male Elijah Baughman Mrs.


Bellville 12 lbs. BS
" female Lewis Riesser " 1/2/1886 Foster St., Mansfield Note 1 MH
" female Lewis Riesser " " Foster St., Mansfield Note 1 MH
" female Lewis Riesser " " Foster St., Mansfield Note 1 MH
1/28/1886 female Byron Leedy " 1/23/1886 Bellville -- BS
" female Andrew Andrews " 1/24/1886 Bellville -- BS
" female Williard Hamilton " 1/25/1886 Bellville -- BS
" male D. Cole " n/a Mansfield Note 2 MH
2/11/1886 female Andrew Andrews " 1/24/1886 Bellville *premature BS
2/25/1886 male Fred Foerster " - Mansfield -- MH
4/1/1886 female David Freed " - Independence -- BS
7/29/1886 female Plum Hecks " - Newville -- BS
8/5/1886 female Orange Hamilton " 8/2/1886 Bellville -- BS
" male Eugene Hawley " - Bellville -- BS
" male Chas. Carlile " - Newville -- BS
9/30/1886 female Sam Dowdell " - Independence -- BS
10/14/1886 female Geo. Teeter " - Independence Dr. Hubbs BS
10/21/1886 male B.J. Wharton " - Bellville -- BS
" male Wm. Miller " 10/13/1886 Bellville -- BS
10/28/1886 female George Keifer " - Independence -- BS
11/18/1886 male Dave Rummel " - Bellville -- BS
" female Andrew Simmons " - Bellville -- BS

BS = Bellville Star  |  MH = Mansfield Herald

Note 1 = Triplet girls - two died immediately after birth.  All three were of average size and weighed nine, eight and six pounds respectively.  The two little girls were buried in one coffin Saturday afternoon.  The father was a German laborer.

Note 2 = little boy was named Sherman David Cole

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