Richland Co., Ohio


Birth Records

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Births, 1887



Submitted by Amy


This list does NOT represent all births that took place in Richland County during the year, it is a listing of those that were reported in the source newspaper.

Pub. Date Surname Gender Father Mother Date Address Notes

17 Feb.

GARBER female F.L. Garber Mrs.


Bellville --
" KECK female Wm. Keck " 2/6 Bellville --
" IRELAND female Dr. Ireland " 2/15 Bellville --
10 Mar. LEEDY male Jim Leedy " - Independence --
24 Mar. CATES female Anthony Cates Jr. " - Independence 10 lbs.
12 May TAYLOR female William Taylor " - Independence *twin
" TAYLOR female William Taylor " - Independence *twin
09 June LOCKHART female Will Lockhart " - Lexington --
06 Oct. McLAUGHLIN female Dr. J.M. McLaughlin " - Independence --
20 Oct. PHILPOTT male Rev. A. Philpott " 10/12 Bellville --
" SHOUP male Ellett Shoup " - Independence Dr. Hubbs
17 Nov. TRAXLER female Wm. Traxler " - Independence Dr. O.A. Hubbs

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