Richland Co., Ohio


Birth Records

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Births, 1895

Source:  Various local newspapers


Submitted by Amy


This list does NOT represent all births that took place in Richland County during the year, it is a listing of those that were reported in the newspaper.

Pub. Date Gender Father Mother Date Address Notes Source
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19 January male George W. Bricker Mrs.


- 12 lbs. RSB
26 January female Henry Gallagher " - Lucas - RSB
02 February male Jacob Eby " 1/24 Crider - RSB
09 February male J.L. McPheren " 1/31 Washington - RSB
" male David Banks " 2/2 Washington - RSB
16 February female Herbert Doolittle " - Weller Twp. - RSB
16 March female Robert Simpson " - Mifflin Twp. - RSB
" female Frank Reed " 3/13 Mifflin Twp. - RSB
21 March male Bloomer Sowers " 3/12 Lexington - BI
" female I.J. Fisher " n/a Walnut Hill - BI
30 March male Sherman Fox " - Lucas - RSB
06 April male Ira Hoffman " 3/30 Spring Grove - RSB
" male J.O. McFarland " 3/16 Washington - RSB
" male Frank Taylor " 3/17 Washington - RSB
11 April male Dr. Forry " 4/4 n/a - BI
" male Al. Bowers " 4/4 Bellville - BI
" male Freeman Morgan " 4/5 Pleasant Hall - BI
13 April female C.H. German " - Lucas 10 lbs. RSB
20 April female E.A. Poorman " - Darlington - RSB
" female W.T. Pollock " - Washington - RSB
27 April female Wm. Throne " - Franklin Twp. - RSB

BI = Bellville Independent  |  RSB = Richland Shield & Banner

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