Richland Co., Ohio


Birth Records

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Births, 1907

Source:  area newspapers


Submitted by Amy



This list does NOT represent all births that took place in Richland County during the year, it is a listing of those that were reported in the source newspaper.

Pub. Date Gender Father Mother Date Address Notes Source
10/15/1907 female Fraanz Gross Mrs. n/a 138 E. Third St., Mansfield - MDS
" female Matthias Streitmater " n/a S. Diamond St., Mansfield - MDS
" female C. Harcalaode " n/a Hicks St., Mansfield - MDS
10/21/1907 female Peter Lacker Mrs. n/a 243 N. Diamond St., Mansfield -- MDS
" son Joseph Disel " n/a E. Second St., Mansfield -- MDS
" female Carl Lindegger " n/a E. Fourth St., Mansfield -- MDS
" female Joe Thull " n/a Hedges St., Mansfield -- MDS
" female Fred Floss " n/a cor. Park Ave. East and Franklin Ave., Mansfield -- MDS
" female Harry L. Beck " n/a 311 E. Third St., Mansfield -- MDS
10/23/1907 male H.D. Bailey " n/a Orchard St., Mansfield -- MDS
" female Fred Floss " n/a n/a -- MDS
" female John Reed " n/a Greenwood Ave., Mansfield 8 lbs. MDS
10/24/1907 female Jos. Thull " n/a n/a -- MDS
" male H.D. Bailey " n/a Orchard St., Mansfield -- MDS
" female Samuel C. Martin " n/a 454 W. Fourth St., Mansfield 9 lbs. MDS

MDS = Mansfield Daily Shield

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