Richland Co., Ohio


Birth Records

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Births, 1908

Source:  Mansfield News, Mansfield, Richland, Ohio


Submitted by Amy


This list does NOT represent all births that took place in Richland County during the year, it is a listing of those that were reported in the source newspaper.

Pub. Date Gender Father Mother Date Address Notes
6/4/1908 female Thomas Harbaugh Mrs. n/a near Lucas triplet girls
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10/22/1908 male

Charles Logsdon

Mrs. n/a

216 N. Adams St., Mansfield

10/23/1908 female Wm. Mac E. Weldon Mrs. n/a Mansfield --
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12/5/1908 male William May Mrs. n/a Arch St., Mansfield --
12/7/1908 female Charles Whipp " n/a 94 Foster St., Mansfield --
12/8/1908 male Clarence Amsbaugh " n/a 52 Crouse St., Mansfield --
12/9/1908 female G.W. Parcell " n/a 74 S. Diamond St., Mansfield --
" male E.B. King Linnie (Ritz) King n/a W. Fourth St., Mansfield 9 lbs.
12/14/1908 male Glen Vinson Mrs. n/a 397 W. Third St., Mansfield --
" female Ralph Morris " n/a 31 Daisy St., Mansfield --
" male Wm. Kaiser " n/a Spring Mill St., Mansfield --
" female Henry Horning " n/a 224 South Mulberry St., Mansfield --
" male Fred Moore " n/a S. Main St., Mansfield --
12/17/1908 male Edward Flood " n/a 113½ E. Second St., Mansfield --
12/19/1908 male John Deshler " n/a Sturges Ave., Mansfield --
" male F.A. Miller " n/a 244 W. Sixth St., Mansfield --

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