Richland Co., Ohio


Historical Information



Local Happenings of 1898


Source:  THE MANSFIELD NEWS:  01 January 1899


Submitted by Jean and Faye



A Chronology Covering the Principal News Events of Mansfield For the Past Year.

Matters Which Engaged the Attention of Citizens and Furnished

News For the Press - Happenings Chronicled For Your Scrap Book.

1- Mystic keeps open house.  Mayor Henry's banquet to the police.  U.R.K. of P. dance.  Funeral of Mrs. Walter Grubaugh. 
2- Dedication of Christian church.
3- W. H. Bowers takes the office of prosecutor.  Sheriff Boals begins his second term of office.
4- Court Mansfield I. O. F. installation and social.  "Ole Olson" at Memorial.  Miss Branyan's card party.  Travelers' club entertained by Miss Melvina Brinkerhoff.  A. B. Martin's dinner party at Loiselles. 
5- Death of Mrs. James Nease.  Merry Waltzers' dance.  Death of Mrs. Harry Calver.  Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fitzsimmons entertain.
7- Death of Mrs. Henry Richter.  Cissy Fitzgerald at Memorial.
8- Death of Mrs. Jacob Wolff.  Funeral of Mrs. J. H. Nease.
10-National Union anniversary social.  Three reformatory prisoners escape.
11-Golden wedding of Samuel Bell and wife.  Eastern Star social.  Derthrick club re-organized under the name of Beethoven club,  S. G. Cummings appointed receiver of Thompson Dry Goods company.
12-Lakota whist club at Mr. and Mrs. William Zellers.
13-Tempo club "Mid-summer dance."  Lewis Morrison in "Faust at Memorial.  Death of Sharpless Beale.
14-Elk dance.  Coterie club entertains gentlemen.  Mrs. George Swassick dies.
15-Leloss O'Dell takes charge of Western Union Telephone exchange as manager.
17-Modern Workmen's social.
18-"Bunch of Keys" at Memorial.  K. of P. stag social.  Death of Mrs. Levi Zimmerman.  Maccabees' social,  Ladies' Anniversary club dance.
19-Annual meeting of the Mohican club.
20-J. R. Richardson presented with a chair by Knights of Pythias.  Arwin McCoy injured.  "Sowing the Wind" at Memorial.  Fate & Gusaullus of Plymouth, assign.
21-Company M election.  Rathbone sisters' benefit at Memorial.  Death of Mrs. John Cotner.
22-Associate Bicycle club organized.
23-Revival meetings begin at Christian church.
24-"Twelve Temptations" at Memorial.  Annual Hospital association meeting.
25-President Dole and party from Hawaii pass through Mansfield.  K. O P. dance.  Hotel McClellan opened.  Judge Douglass entertains circuit judges and the Richland county bar.
26-Mystic club dance.
27-Tempo club dance.  Death of Capt. H. H. Fickel.  Revival meetings begin at the M. E. church.  Surprise party on Fred Sticker and wife.  "The Widow Jones" at the Memorial.
28-Our club dance.  Death of Jeremiah Shunk.  Social at Ohio Business college.  Woman's league meeting.
29-Annual meeting Agricultural society.  Wappner stock sold by the assignee.
30-Funeral of Jeremiah Shunk.  Funeral of Capt. H. H. Fickel.
31-"In Atlantic City" at the Memorial.
1-I. G. F. reception to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorg.  Presbyterian C. E. society reception to new members.  Prudential Insurance company banquet at Elk hall.
2-Dedication of K. of P. Hall at Hayesville.  Merry Waltzers' dance.  Temperature 10 degrees below zero.
3-Sudden death of William Mitchell.
4-Art entertainment at Congregational church.  John L. Fidler's surprise party.
5-Susie Stewart's surprise party.  Death of Mrs. Charlotta Carter.  Death of Capt. W. H. Farber.
6-Frank Foulks attempts suicide.
7-Joe Ott in "Star Gazer" at Memorial.
8-Hospital bill.
9-Mrs. Lewis Bowers' reception.  U. R. k. of P. dance.  Death of Mrs. Lodena Davis.
10-Tempo club dance.  Mystic club's surprise for "Deacon" Day.
11-"The Span of Life" at the Memorial.  Our club dance..  Prof. Hawkin's reception.  L. H. Bomar's lecture at Presbyterian church.  Evangelist MacLane's lectures at Christian church.
12-John Steigert found dead in his room.  Death of Mrs. B. T. Brandt.  Opening of the City band's mid-winter fair.
13-Death of Joseph Pifer.  Death of Mrs. Hannah Knapp.
14-Sudden death of Sadie Rosen.  Hoyt's "A Black Sheep" at Memorial  St. Agnes Guild with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dew.
15-Mystic club dance.  Colored girl preacher at Purdy's hall.  Death of Mrs. M. A. Remy.
16-Merry Waltzers' masquerade dance.  Wedding of Harry Stenis and Nellie Nixon.  High school lecture by Prof. De Motte.
17-"The Widow Jones" at the Memorial.  Beaumont Perdo club dance at Elk hall.
18-C. S. Slough's card party.  J. C. Frampton arrested for getting money under false pretenses.
19-Sale of Mansfield Buggy Co. plant.  W. K. Brian has both legs ___by Erie train.  Wedding of W. Hine and Julia Bonar.  Death of Mrs. Margaret Riddle.
20-Death of Dennis Seward at Alta
21-Death of Wesley K. Brian.  Catholic church supper.  City band fair ends. 
22-Sorosis club's annual banquet.  Liedertaufel masked ball.  "A Breezy Time" at the Memorial.  Mohican club reception.  Card party of the Misses Cappeller and White.  G. A. R. presented with $40 by W. R. C., K. of P. dance.
23-Company M's annual banquet.  Death of Mrs. George Spicer.  Bob Fitzsimmons at Memorial.
24-Tempo club dance.
25-"The Brownies" at Memorial.  Westminster league banquet.  Our club dance.  H. E. Bell's lecture at A. M. F. church.  Christian church reception.
26-Death of Mrs. Joseph Katz.  Death of Charles Frank.
27-Funeral of Mrs. Caroline Miller.
28-Agnes Herndon in "La Belle Marie" at Memorial.  Death of Jacob Risser.
1-Central Union Telephone girls go on a strike.  Agnes Herndon at the Memorial.
2-Merry Waltzers' dance.  Fred Nail and Fannie Fulger married.  U.R.K.T.M. surprise the L.O.T.M.  Death of Conrad Miller.
3-Agnes Herndon in "The Jealous Mrs. Brown" at Memorial.
4-Entertainment at reformatory.  Agnes Herndon at Memorial.
5-Capt. and Mrs. J. P. Rummell's 33d anniversary.
6-Death of August Bauer.
7-Telephone company meeting at Mohican club.  G. A. R. entertainment at the Memorial.
8-Elk's dance.
9-"Cuba's Vow" at Memorial.  Dr. Fairfield's lecture at Congregational church.  Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Well's 25th wedding anniversary.
11-Col. Billy Thompson's Vaudeville at Memorial. Card party at Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bell's.  Thomas Watters killed by Edward Kinney.
12-Democratic municipal primaries.  General Republican caucus.
13-Funeral of Thomas Watters.  Death of Robert Bell.  Burglary at Daniel J. Smith's.  Death of Samuel E. Hartung
14-George Denman killed by the cars.
15-Republican municipal primary.  "Sunshine of Paradise Alley" at Memorial.  W. C. T. U. reception at Mrs. Mary Avery's.
17-Elk dance. Robert Mantell in "A Secret Warrant."
18-Surprise party on W. H. Bissman.  Kenneth and Katharine Dirlam's party.  The Rev. Anna Shaw lectures at Memorial.  Our club dance.  Hard storm and flood.
23-Purity council entertainment.  Francis Wilson's opera company in "Half a King" at the Memorial.  K. of P. hospital ball.  Park Sister's entertainment at M. E. church.  John Scior's birthday anniversary surprise.
24-Tempo club dance.  Death of Miss Jane Fleming.
25-Coterie club entertains gentlemen.  N. C. O. Medical society meeting.  Prof. Hawkin's reception.  Fire in I. Shonfield's store.
26-Fatal accident to Fred Brimelin at A. T. boiler shops.
28-Death of Fred Brimelin.
29-Elk's annual election.
30-Al G. Field's minstrels at the Memorial.
31-K. of P. social.  Katie Emmett at the Memorial.
1-Mrs. George Blecker's card party.  Ohio Business college commencement.  Death of George Badley.  Williams' Shakespearean recital.
2-Post office employes banquet at Brunswick.  Hanolon's "Superba" at Memorial.
4-Wilson company at memorial in "Paradise Regained." Election day.
5-M. E. Easter entertainment.  Annual meeting of Memorial Library association.  Wilson company in "Esmeralda."
6-Lecture on Cuba at First Lutheran church.  Wilson company in "His Lordship."
7-Wilson company in "My Mother-in-Law."
8-Death of Jacob Fisher.  Brownie social at G. A. R. hall.  Legislative finance committee visits the Ohio reformatory.  Wilson company in "Crimes of London."
9-Numerous burglaries in the city.  Charles Miller injured at Ontario.  Wilson company in "Rip Van Winkle."
10-Susan Sturges gives "Windemere" to C. E. union.  The Rev. J. E. Lynn resigns his pastorate.  John McCowell killed by the cars.
11-K. of P. dance.  Base ball team reports.  Death of John Bosler.  Salvation army meeting at the Memorial.
12-Prof. Hawkins' reception at Canton armory.  Company M recruits.  Republican central committee organizes.
13-Merry Waltzers' dance.  Board of state charities meeting.
14-"Uncle Tom's Cabin" at Memorial.
15-Lewis Morrison in "Master of Ceremonies," at Memorial.  Milwaukee vs. Mansfield base ball club.  High school alumni meeting.
16-Milwaukee vs. Mansfield.  Fourteenth district congressional committee meeting.
17-The Rev. J. E. Linn's farewell sermon.
18-Re-organization of school board.  Grand jury reports.
19-F. M. C. A. reception.  "Ruth, the Moabitess," at Christian church. 
20-Hedges-Ward reception at Elk rooms.  Death of Michael Kell.  The Rev. Prouse surprised by ____ class.  John Kanauer killed at Mansfield Lumber company's yards.
21-Elk dance.  Company M members given physical examination.
22-U. C. T.'s colored cake walk at Memorial.  George Schroer commits suicide.  Y.M.C.A. reception to business men.
23-U. C. T's colored cake walk.
25-"Window of Tarrytown" at Memorial.
26-Annual meeting of Fifty Thousand league.  Company M leave for Columbus.  Y.M.C.A. reception. Mr. and Mrs. John Hammett's golden wedding.
27-St. Agnes Guild social and fair.
28-Death of Philip Staub.  United Sates Naval reserves from Detroit pass through the city en route east.  Fifth regiment O.M.G., from Cleveland, pass through the city.
29-Elks' minstrels at the Memorial.  Y.M.C.A. reception.
30-Funeral of Philip Straub.  Richland County Teachers' Institute at Bellville.
1-Big B. & O. excursion to Ohio National Guard camp at Columbus.
2-Local base ball season opened with Dayton club.  Richland Savings bank organized.
3-Dr. Meese's lecture at Presbyterian church.  "May Day" social at G. A. R. hall.  "May Day" social at M. E. church.  Mansfield-Dayton ball game.
4-Carpenter-Sears wedding at Bucyrus.
5-Celebration 50th anniversary consecration of Grace church.
6-Literary contest at high school auditorium.  Colonial tea of Century club at Mrs. J. P. Rummell's.
7-Sudden death of Mrs. Isaac Pleasant.
8-Sudden death of Mrs. J. H. Pifer.
9-Kinney murder trial began.
10-G. A. R. reception to G. M. Kemp.   Mackay opera company in "Said Psha."
11-Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tappan's reception.
12-Burglary at A. A. Peck's.  "Master and Man" at the Memorial.
13-Forepugh & Sells circus.  William Hummerich hanged himself.  Kinney murder trial ended.  John D. Miller's lecture at the M. E. church.  "Out casts of New York" at the Memorial.  Robbery at J. L. Keffer's home.
15-Death of Mrs. W. N. Gaisford.
16-Methodist Ministerial association meeting.
17-Memorial day committee meeting.  Epworth league convention.  Philharmonic orchestra dance at Masonic Temple.  W. C. T. U. reception at Mrs. R. B. Maxwell's.
18-Company M leaves Columbus for Camp Alger, Washington, D.C.  Heavy hail storm.  Jacob Hine commits suicide.  Two regiments of Illinois troops go through to Washington.
19-Bishop Ninde at the Epworth league at Congregational church.
20-Death of Mrs. Grant, oldest resident of Mansfield.
21-W. H. Bowers sues for divorce.
22-Knights of Pythias memorial services.  Phoebe Wise shoots and kills Jake Kastanowitz.  Death of Frank B. Black.
24-Annual meeting of Fifty Thousand League.  Tourist club social and banquet.
25-Wooster college glee club concert.
26-Dr. Sargis' Persian lecture at M. E. church. 
28-Roy Anderson killed and Thomas Cooper seriously shot trying to escape from Ohio Reformatory.  Matamora Tribe, I. O. R. M. instituted.
29-G. A. R. Memorial services at the opera house.
30-Memorial Day.  Opening of Casino Bicycle road race. Democratic county convention.
31-Father Schreiber surprised by Catholic school children.


1-Mansfield high school alumni.
2-William Shields arrested at Shelby for burglary.
3-Madison township schools picnic on Ashland hill.  Robert List arrested for insanity.  Death of Mrs. Michael Ackerman.  Annual meeting of Our club.
4-District schools commencement .  Old Folks' singing at Lexington.
5-Odd Fellows Memorial Day.  Death of Mrs. C. W. Wagner.
6-I. Shonfield leases the Vonhof.
7-Base ball meeting.
8-Democratic judicial convention.  Race-Wheeler wedding.
9-Richland county Sunday school convention at Lucas.
10-High school commencement at memorial opera house.
11-School picnic at Sherman-Heineman park.
12-Mansfield I.O.O.F. attend services at Ashland.
13-Capt. Marquis returns to recruit.  W. C. Trimble shoots himself fatally.
14-High school Field Day.  Children's Home entertainment at opera house.
15-Alumni banquet at Elk hall.  Crystal wedding of Dr. and Mrs. Fairfield.  F. W. Person and J. W. Leidigh appointed revenue collectors.  Death of Miss Sarah Vohl.
17-Dr. Fairfield's stereopticon lecture on "Egypt."
19-Pythian services at Ashland.
21-Fifth circuit democratic judicial convention at Zanesville.
22-Mrs. G. U. Preuss' concert.
25-John Purkey escapes from the Ohio reformatory.
27-Fiftieth anniversary of Capt. and Mrs. C. Au at Ontario.
28-Christian Endeavor state convention.
29-Fourteenth district Republican congressional convention at Wellington.
30-W. S. Kerr nominated for congress at Wellington convention and reception on his return home.
1-Howard Crawford skips after robbing I. Shonfield.  Alonzo Booth injured at the.  P. F. freight house.  Vonhof bar purchased by I. Shonfield.
2-Thomas Burghard commits suicide.
4-Shelby bridge disaster.  Old folks' picnic at Sherman-Heineman park.
6-Death of LaRue Runyan.  Alexander Keiser killed on the B. & O. at Shelby
10-Death of Isaac Harbaugh.  Attempted escape of L. F. Hafer from the Ohio reformatory.
11-Death of David Mann.
15-W. A. Kiel injured.
18-Dr. J. Wesley Hill's lecture at the Casino.
19-Fred Brobst resigns as clerk of the Vonhof.  Death of Mrs. Charles Schroeder.  Reception to Rev. Batman and wife at Christian church.
20-Dr. H. A. Ruess drops dead.
21-Death of Mrs. Jerry Fisher.
22-Burglary of Daniel Neff's residence.  Mr. and Mrs. Gorham's 40th wedding anniversary.  Daniel Miller drops dead.  S. N. Ford appointed receiver for the Card company.
24-Columbus-Mansfield traveling men's base ball game.  Republican caucus. 
25-Staninger-Sommers wedding.  David Dobbs injured.
26-Company M's armory raided by unknown persons.
27-Burglary of J. B. Landis' home.
30-Jesse Brooker injured.  Death of George Noons.  Glenn Berry injured by falling from a tree.
1-NEWS annual outing at park.  I. Shonfield takes possession of the Vonhof hotel.  Death of Frank P. Wise.  Leslie Jelliff escapes from Ohio reformatory.
2-Leppo-Fighter wedding.  B. F. Keiser retires from active business.
5-Uniformed Rank Knights of Pythias instituted at Ashland.
6-Leslie Jeliff re-captured.  Thomas Carr's home burglarized.
10-Mansfield Elks at Sandusky.  Death of Herminie Reinewald.
11-A. B. Estill's home burglarized.
14-Laying of the corner stone of St. Paul's German church.
17-Fourteenth district Democratic congressional convention.  Race meeting opens.  Reunion of the Palmer family.
19-Salvation army camp meeting at Sherman-Heineman park.
21-Burglary of Charles Zimmer's residence.  Jones-Weatherby wedding.
25-Thomas E. Duncan nominated for judge of common pleas court.
26-Durbin Davis found dead at Ganges.
27-Burglary of William T. Parsley residence.
28-B. & O. wreck near Alta.  Laying of the corner stone of the First Lutheran church at Shelby.  Burglary of Mrs. G. M. Smith's residence.
29-Richland County Teachers' institute.
30-Company M boys begin to arrive home from Montauk.
1-Teachers' institute.  Death of John Shea at Sandusky soldiers' home.
5-"The Pulse of Greater New York."  Return of a dozen Company M boys from Camp Wikoff.  German day.  North Ohio Christian Ministers association.  Citizens meeting at G. A. R. hall for soldiers' relief.  Catholic schools open.
7-Lake-Gorby wedding.  Chris Gimbel robbery. 
8-Company M arrives home from Camp Wikoff.
9-"Alone in Greater New York."  Karl Kriechbaum, P.F. brakeman, injured.
10-Last interstate game of the season on home ground.  Close of Casino season.
11-Death of Durbin Spitler.  Death of J. Albert Hines who was shot Nov. 23, 1897.
12-Death of Abraham Lash.  Public schools open.  Death of Mrs. Thomas Hogan.  Grand jury reports for September term.
13-"Uncle Josh Spruceby" at the Memorial.  Merry Waltzers' club re-organized.  Reception to August Krieski by Young Peoples' society of St. Paul's church.  White Cross club dance.
14-Death of Harry Hoyer of Company M.
15-Capt. Duncan C. Ross's sword combat at fair grounds.
16-Death of Fred V. Byrd.
18-Funeral of Fred V. Byrd.
20-Wooster Presbytery meeting at Butler.
21-Stevens-White wedding.  Hendricks-Hull wedding.  Sisson-Binney wedding.  Endly-Morgan wedding.  Johns-Knight wedding.
22-Death of Letitia Johnson Raitt.  Attempted burglary of Plymouth bank.
23-Jule Walters in "Side Tracked" at the Memorial opera house.
24-Mansfield vs. Columbus traveling men's ball game.  Death of Arthur Kaufman, of company M.  Fred Hammerie killed by the cars on P. F.
25-Death of Vincent Bruce, of Company M.
26-Harry Bolus et al., at the Casino
27-"Human Hearts" at the Memorial.  Funeral of Arthur Kaufman and V. E. Bruce, of Company M.  W.C.T.U. reception at Mrs. Estill's
28-Wedding of Jesse E. LaDow and Miss Nora Crider.  Dehnel-Stokes wedding.
29-Escape of William Shields from county jail.
1-"The Carpet-bagger" at Memorial.
4-Mrs. Stella Hadden Alexander piano recital at Purdy hall.
5-"Puddin'head Wilson" at Memorial.
8-Joseph Swevel commits suicide.  Harry V. Lindeman, Jr., killed by cars.
9-Knights of Honor memorial services.
10-Richland county Sunday school convention at Woodville.
11-Ohio state conference of charities and corrections.  Hoyt's A Contented Woman" at the Memorial. 
12-J. H. Van Horn, B. & O. brakeman, killed by the cars.  Richland County C. E. convention at Shelby. 
13-Fire at Coss company's plant.  Mrs. John Sherman stricken with paralysis.
14-"Mobegan," steamer on which Miss Bushnell sailed, is wrecked.
15-"Uncle Tom's Cabin" at Memorial.
19-NEWS Pumpkin show.
20-"A Spring Chicken" at the Memorial.
22-Hoyt's "A Stranger in New York" at the Memorial.
23-Dedication of Matlock chapel.
24-John Lurcher accidentally shot.  "The Hoosier Doctor" at Memorial.
26-Golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lindsey. 
28-Lincoln J. Carter's "Remember the Maine" at Memorial.
29-Richland County Teachers' institute at Butler.  James H. Hoyt, of Cleveland speaks at Memorial. 
31-Annual meeting of Humane society.  "A Fatal Error" at Memorial.  Death of Silas H. Shull in Philadelphia, Pa.
1-Sr. O.U.A.M. banquet to Company M.  Murray Comedy company at Memorial.  Robbery of B. & O. freight cars.
2-"An Unequal Match" at Memorial.  Uhrichville business men visit Mansfield.  Death of Mrs. Nancy Condon.
3-"Hogan's Troubles" at the Memorial.  Death of Mrs. J. W. Sharp.
4-Mystic club dance.  university extension lecture on "Lamb," by Rolfe.
5-Death of John Lurscher.  Heavy storm.
8-Election day.  "El Capitan" at Memorial opera house.
9-Death of Charles Weddell.  Sudden death of Mrs. Mary Nelson Jones.  Luther Mann attempts suicide near Ashland.
10-Company M goes to Wooster to be mustered out.  Sudden death of John Gates.
11-"Under the Dome" at Memorial.  Congregational Christian Endeavor union banquet.
14-Death of Miss Mattie Wallace.  "Hogan's Alley" at Memorial.
15-Koertheuer piano recital.
16-Sheets-Gilbert wedding.  "The Hearthstone" at Memorial.  Death of Mrs. Adda Condon.
18-University extension lecture by Prof. Rolfe.
20-Death of Michael Kane.  Death of Mrs. Anna Boughton.
21-"Egypta" at Memorial.  Company M is mustered out at Wooster and returns home.  Funeral of Elverda Bushnell.
22-Burglary at Mrs. B. Wolff's.
23-Mystic club smoker.  Schubert Glee club at Y.M.C.A. auditorium.
24-"Black Hussar" at Memorial.  Elks keep open house and dance in the evening.
25-Ohio Live Stock sale.
29-Citizens' reception and banquet to Company M at Presbyterian church.
30-"The Butterflies" at Memorial.
1-Contract for St. Paul's church fixtures let.  R. B. Heldman accidentally shot.
2-City building reported unsafe and liable to collapse.  Lieut. Murphy secured 10 recruits for the United States regular army.  "Sunshine of Paradise Alley" at Memorial.  Grand jury returns indictments.
3-Mrs. Charles Livelstarger drops dead.
4-R. S. Palmer's shoe store burglarized.
5-Bishop McCabe in the city.  Death of John G. Cairns.
6-Company M banqueted by the G. A. R. and W. R. C.  NEWS boys' annual sleigh ride.
7-Dr. A. A. Willits' lecture at the Y.M.C.A.
8-Richland County Historical society organized.
9-Henry Baker and Hiram Baker, of Monroe township, assign their property.  Annual banquet and roll call at First Congregational church.
10-B-County Teachers' Institute.  C. R. Treat made assistant superintendent of the Mansfield Machine works.  Lee Sewell married at Toronto, Ont.
12-Death of Mrs. Sarah Robison.  Herring-Clark wedding.  Frumme-Adelsdorfer wedding.  Crouse-Orem wedding.  Lindsey-Friedrich wedding.  Nixon-Chatlain wedding.  Fuenral of Mrs. T. J. Robison.  Purity council entertainment.  Codger-Turner wedding.  High school exercises at the auditorium.  Secretary Sawyer, of the Y.M.C.A., resigns on account of ill health.
15-Three Link club changes quarters.  G. W. Benedict sells his interest in the W. A. Remy company.  Death of Hiram Charles.
17-Death of Mrs. Mary Ann Culp.  Charles Schwinden fractures Frank Miller's scalp with a shot gun.  Moore-Bennett wedding.  Miss Daisy Davidson's surprise party.
19-Two sharpers flim flam a local bank game.  Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harvey surprised by their friends.
20-Death of Union McBride.  President Stemm and Councilman Bell have trouble.
21-Death of William Mattison, at Shiloh.
22-Vinson-Wilson wedding.  Councilman Arras held up by tramps in the north side.
23-Earl Young arrested for stealing oats.
26-First Presbyterian church Christmas entertainment.  Small riot at Lucas.
27-Wooden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens.  Elks stag social.
28-Baptist Sunday school Christmas entertainment.  Myron T. Jones, of New York, appointed secretary of the Y.M.C.A.  Merry Waltzers' "mid-summer" dance.
29-Black-Hall wedding.  Elks' ladies social.

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