Richland Co., Ohio


Historical Information

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Five 1863 Ballots Found in 1893

Source:  RICHLAND SHIELD & BANNER:  12 August 1893, Vol. LXXVI, No. 12


Submitted by Amy


While cleaning out the county clerk's office at the court house, Court Bailiff A.B. Keith made an interesting discovery.  He found five ballots that had been voted by Richland County soldiers while at the front in 1863.  It is a Union States Ticket for Ohio, with the national flag as an emblem.  Underneath the flag is the motto:  "If any man attempts to pull down the American flag, shoot him on the spot. -- John A. Dix"  Then follows the ticket, which is:

For governor, John Brough, of Cuyahoga County.  For Lieutenant-Governor, Charles Anderson, of Montgomery County.  For Judge of the Supreme Court, Hocking H. Hunter, of Fairfield County.  For Auditor Of State, James H. Godman, of Marion County.  For Treasurer of State, G. Volney Dorsey, of Miami County.  For member of the Board of Public Works, John M. Barrere, of Highland County.

However, that which will be of greater interest to the SHIELD readers is the county ticket for Richland County, which follows the state ticket.  All the candidates will be remembered by our older citizens.  Here is the personnel of that ticket:

For Senator, Isaac Gates;  Representative, Harrison Mickey;  Sheriff, Nelson Ozier;  Treasurer, John M. Jolley;  Probate Judge, Milton W. Worden;  Prosecuting Attorney, A.M. Burns;  Commissioner, Reuben Evarts;  Infirmary Director, Isaiah Boyce;  Surveyor, R. Bentley Smith.

Written on the ballot at the right of the county ticket are the words "In favor of the draft", while on the left are the words "and a vigorous prosecution of the war".  On the back of the ballot are these words, the word "voted" being written in ink, the others with a lead pencil:  "Voted, 2nd. Tuesday, Oct., 1863, in Company C, 15th. Regiment Ohio foot Vol., Hamilton County, Tenn."

Isaac Gates was a resident of this city and was Mayor at one time.  He is now deceased.  John M. Jolley, at one time a resident of this city is now conducting a newspaper in Florida.  Milton W. Worden is dead.  A.M. Burns, a nephew of Barnabus Burns, is now living at Cleveland.  Reuben Evarts, deceased, lived at Bellville, and was for many years a justice of the peace.  Isaiah Boyce is still alive and resides in Franklin Township.  R. Bentley Smith, deceased, was a teacher in the public schools and county school examiner.  Nelson Ozier, the present postmaster, is known to nearly every voter in the county.  Hon. Harrison Mickey still resides at Shelby, where he is a blacksmith.  He has since represented this district in the state Senate.  

This entire state ticket was elected by a large majority, but only a part of the county ticket pulled through.  Gass, Ozier, Jolley, Worden and Smith were elected, while Mickey, Burns, Evarts and Boyce were defeated.

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