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Mansfield Weekly News - 26 March 1891


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Transcribed and submitted by Jean and Faye (4/07)



John Lanehart, of Mansfield, recently visited William Lanehart, his brother.

Miss Shafer, of Belleville, has been the guest of Miss Carrie Shafer.

William Thuma, of Johnsville, visited relatives here last week.

Following are the officers of the Live Stock Company:  W. W. Cockley, president; William R. McKee, vice president; Barney Beverstock, secretary and treasurer; directors Henry Eckart, C. B. Doudna, Frank Painter, S. Appleman and W. R. McKee.

George Spoolman’s family moved last week to Toledo, where he has a position as telegraph operator.

H S. Moore was Saturday awarded the contract for building the cheese and butter factory.

Mrs. Meese and Mrs. Baxter, of Mansfield, were the guests of the Rev. Mr. Street’s family Friday.

John Gaily, of Mansfield, was the guest of Charlie Brown, his cousin, last week.

Miss Maxwell has returned to her home at Kirby.

Mrs. William Wilson and Mrs. Frank Lantz visited relatives in Bellville from Friday till Sunday.

The literary coterie met at Miss Mamie Moore’s Friday night.

George Lewis, son of Vincent Lewis, of this vicinity, is now a fireman on the Union Pacific railroad, with headquarters at Omaha.

A letter was received Saturday from Davenport, Neb., announcing that James A. Boggs, Sr., was lying at the point of death.

Mike Cahill will erect a house on the site of his old building near the railroad.

Robe Miller, son of George Miller, is prospering in the concrete and asphalt business at Trinidad, Col.

W Daugherty has secured a position with the Platt Carriage Works.

Mrs. D. Stough has sold to William Kyner four acres of land east of Lexington for $350.  William Kyner’s new residence will be erected on the site of the old brick house on the Mansfield road.

Attorney J. C. Laser, of Mansfield, was a Colonel Brown’s March 19.

Arthur Lindsey, of Mansfield, visited his parents last week.

Frank Bailey, C. B. Doudna, H. Boggs,  Charles Mitchell and other Knights of Pythias were to Bellville one night last week.

Sterling R. Green, of Mansfield, was recreating in Lexington last Friday.

Mrs. Tobias Fike visited relatives in Bellville several days recently.

William R. McKee, of Mansfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moore, his wife’s parents, Saturday.

Mrs. Thomas Brown has improved recently.

The remains of Charles Cracraft, who was buried at Fair View in the year 1872, will be placed beside his wife Jane Cracraft lately, deceased in the Lexington cemetery

Dr. Sager has rented for a year the property of Robert Colwell, deceased, of which J. D. Colwell is administrator.

Mr. Davis, of Worthington township, has recently been the guest of T. Fike’s family.

Miss Minnie Kellar went to Toledo last week to reside there permanently.

Colonel R. C. Brown has been quite prostrated since Friday.

Levi Ritter designs building a new residence east of Lexington.

John Hiser will occupy Mrs. Martin Hiskey’s residence.

Samuel Swartz, who moved to Mt. Vernon a year ago, will return here April 1and resume business on Main street.

Since the price of the WEEKLY NEWS has been reduced from $1.50 to $1 a year new subscribers have been going in rapidly.  The best newspaper in the county and only $1 a year are great inducements.


J H. Matthews and John Staman have moved to Lucas to take charge of the Commercial house at that place.

Jacob Portner and F. B. Balliett, two retired farmers, moved to this place occupying the dwellings vacated by Matthews and Staman.

J H. Snyder, of Mansfield, moved on the Portner farm east of town.

George Grunewald closed his school at Buckeye Hall on last Friday evening with an entertainment

Mr. Koch, of Putman county, the new contractor of the Hayesville, Mifflin and Mansfield mail route, passed through this place last week inspecting the route.

Miss Dottie Sunday, of Waverly, Kan., is here on a prolonged visit to her friends.

Ed Laver, the groceryman of  Mansfield, was here on business last week.

J R. Lemon, of Lucas, was here last week calling on his friends.

Walter Keightly has returned from his western tour.  He went as far as Portland, Ore.

J B. Zahner is home from Wittenberg college. He is spending vacation with his parents

Mrs. Eliza Hershy is seriously ill with pulmonary trouble. 

The following officers were elected at the U. B. Sabbath school on last Sabbath:  Superintendent, B. J. Aby; assistant superintendent, W. W. Crider; secretary, Miss Myrtle Hart; treasurer, A. McCready; chorister, B. B. Matthews; organist, Miss Emma Engle; assistant organist, Miss Eva Hout; executive committee, Rev. David Kosht, and superintendent, B. J. Aby, ex-officio, W. A. Bachelder, W. W. Crider and Benjamin Hostetter.


Hud Williams reports that Lute Koogle has established a way station at Chunktown, between Mansfield and Mifflin, for the storage of heavy freight during the mud blockade.

Wes Koogle called on your correspondent late last evening to inform him that he had made an assignment of his interests in the bone, hide and neatsfoot oil mill to Hen Brown and “Uncle George,” for the benefit of the multitude of his creditors.  Hard times and the high price of “plugs” he says are the causes of the assignment.

What kills, will also cure, is Hen. Koogle’s motto, hence he locks his wagon both up and down the hill; his brother, Lute, says he has the laugh on him now.  “He laughs best who laughs last.”

Since the price of the WEEKLY NEWS has been reduced from $1.50 to $1 a year new subscribers have been going in rapidly.  The best newspaper in the county and only $1 a year are great inducements.


The many friends of G. L. Stevens and wife are sorry to know that they have moved to Mansfield.  We were anxious to have them locate here - but success to them wherever they are.

D B. Jones moved his family to T. A. Parry’s house and George Fishack moved to the Jones property last week.

James Ross and family visited at Bloomville on Saturday.

T A. Parry made a business trip to Loudonville Monday.

We met Dr. John Maglott, of Mansfield, on our streets Saturday.

John Miller and wife, of New Washington, visited friends here this week.

The Lucas Stone Co., shipped its first car of stone for the season on Wednesday.  We understand they expect to put in a lot of machinery and will ship more stone this season than any three years before.

Quite a serious accident happened to a son of  Landlord R. H. Myers.  While at play with some other boys he fell, breaking his left arm.  By the way - this is the fourth time he has had the same arm broken.

There is quite a great deal of talk of John Fox purchasing a fine bred dog. 

The local gun club did some shooting at their grounds last Friday, but don’t as Loomis who had the highest score.

If you meet a stranger on our streets wearing a smile and reaching for your hand to shake while you are still half a block away, you can rest assured that he is a Democratic candidate. 

The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Lutheran church, will serve ham and eggs at the church Saturday evening, March 28.  Come and hear how the ladies earned the dollar. 

We notice the families of Mr. S. Matthews and C. Staman, of Mifflin, moving into the Commercial House and by the way they are fixing and cleaning things up they expect to keep hotel as it should be kept.

If we are to judge by the talk we hear on the corners about building and improving, our town will certainly have a look of decided improvement before autumn leaves begin to fall. 

Since the price of the WEEKLY NEWS has been reduced from $1.50 to $1 a year new subscribers have been going in rapidly.  The best newspaper in the county and only $1 a year are great inducements.


Died - March 19, Joseph Hout, aged 67 years.  He was an old resident of Madison township, having resided many years where he died, 11 miles southwest of Windsor  He left a wife and six children to grieve for a kind husband and father.

William Ashton, an old and well remembered resident of Weller township, was buried at Lima on the 16th inst.  He, with a large family of brothers and one sister, were raised on the now Martin farm.

The Rev. Charles Ashton, of Iowa, after attending his brothers obsequies at Lima, came here to pay a visit to his brothers-in-law, Messrs. Allen and Joseph Haverfield

Mrs. W. G. Hughes attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Ashton, at Lima.

W B. Hale has returned from Spokane Falls to stay a while with his widowed mother

Mrs. Cora Horn and Miss Jessie Hale spent a few days at Dr. Boles’ at Lucas, last week.

Scott Hickox, of Mansfield, paid a visit to friends here last week.

Chauncey Stewart, of Williams county, is spending some time with his aged father, Calvin Stewart, and with his brothers and sisters.

Miss Florence Robinson has returned from Berea college to spend her Easter vacation.

Mr. W. A. Fleming, son and daughter will spend the Easter vacation with friends at this place.

Quarterly meeting services will be held at the Milton church next Saturday and Sabbath.  Elder Hughes will conduct the services.

The Easter services are postpones at Milton.

Since the price of the WEEKLY NEWS has been reduced from $1.50 to $1 a year new subscribers have been going in rapidly.  The best newspaper in the county and only $1 a year are great inducements.


Dr. John Maglott, since finishing his medical studies, has been rusticating in this neighborhood. 

Albert Etz moved last Thursday onto a farm formerly owned by his brother, C. W. Etz, of Mansfield.

Tobias Mitchell moved last Friday to his new home on the Ward farm.

Mrs. Finney, of near Mansfield, has been visiting the past week with her sister, Mrs Daniel Stewart.

Frank Donnan began work last Monday for J. H. Fulton, of Washington township.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoover lost their youngest child the fore part of last week with membranous croup.

Marion Schrack sold all his personal property Tuesday, with the intention of moving to Mansfield soon.

J W. Charles moved this week onto his father’s farm and Will Baer started housekeeping in the house vacated by Mr. Charles.

Since the price of the WEEKLY NEWS has been reduced from $1.50 to $1 a year new subscribers have been going in rapidly.  The best newspaper in the county and only $1 a year are great inducements.


A proposition from parties residing at Canton is now before our citizens.  For the sum of $2,000 they agree to come to Plymouth and engage in the manufacture of patent heaters in connection with their foundry.  Fate, Gunsaullus & Co. and E. M. Freese & Co., of this place, promised them their foundry work, the latter now having their casting done in Cleveland.  The money they asked for is to be loaned to them free for one year and at the rate of 6 per cent. the remaining four years, according to the terms of their proposition.  A committee of 32 men has been formed with the purpose of purchasing the old Presbyterian church, now owned by M. W. Williams and fixing the place according to their demands and then lease the property to them at a small rental.  The property can be bought for $600 and those in charge of the scheme feel confident that they will have no trouble in making satisfactory terms with the proprietors of the new concern.  A committee of two from here will go  to Canton or else one of the firm will be asked to come here this week, when it is hoped the matter will be finally settled.

With the above industry and the new machine works to be erected as soon as the weather permits, we have reason to smile and that’s what we are doing every day

Mack Rogers is putting a nice addition to the west side of his house which adds to the look of his property and convenience of his home.

D B. King is erecting an addition to his building to be occupied by Weatherby, the photographer, as a business room, about the middle of April. 

R E. McKee, agent of the B. & O. railroad at this place, will put up a nice house this spring on Bell street nearly opposite the old foundry.

Mrs. Fred Portner has been very sick for some time past and is still in a precarious condition.  Her daughter, Mrs. Doty, of Salt Lake City, has been called home on account of her serious condition.

Jesse F. Waite, lately of the firm of Sherman & Waite, has bought an interest in a grocery in Cleveland. 

Thomas White, who has been seriously ill for the past few months, is somewhat better at this writing.

Miss Lizzie Streit, of Fremont, returned home Saturday after a three weeks’ visit with her cousin, Mrs. Charles McClinchey.

Jackson Township

There are two justice of the peace to be elected in Jackson this spring.

The cold weather of last week was a severe blow on the wheat crop in heaving up the roots.

The hack failed to make its trip to Peter Kuhn’s last Thursday, on account of the rain, and the ladies on North Main missed a very enjoyable time at Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kuhn’s.

Ben Laser moved to the Henry farm last week.

Miss Addie Sanders, of West Virginia, who is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. John Lingy, of Mansfield, was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mary J. Roberts, of Shelby, a few days last week.

We asked a member of the Farmers’ Alliance the other day if they were going to have a ticket out this spring.  He said no, the old party was good enough and would do for them and those interested.  We now believe in our minds that the Farmers’ Alliance is only a scheme to break down one or the other of the political parties.

George Miller will commence his work at C. L. Hays’ Monday of this week.

Quite a number more of renters will change farms this week and the bad roads are against them.

The school pupils will soon have to take up their books for the summer term of school

John Shill, of Mansfield, was visiting friends in Shelby, and, no doubt will make a flying trip to West Virginia in the near future.

Sugar making is still on the boom.


G. W. McFarland is having a couple of weeks’ vacation from teaching at Hickory Hall. 

Grandmother Hamilton has been quite sick for some time.

Born, March 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob McPhern, a 101/2 pound girl.

The village school closes March 26.

Mrs. Lydia Lutz, of Iowa, and Mrs. McGregor are visiting relatives here.

W E. Sirpless has a severe time a felon on one of his fingers.

The Republicans of Washington township are requested to meet at the office of Sewell & Sewell, Mansfield, 1 o’clock, March 25, for the purpose of nominating a township ticket.

White Hall gave an exhibition last Saturday night.  An admission fee of five cents was charged. 

D D. Stoffer and wife, of Independence, visited relatives here this week.

Miss Finney will teach in District No. 1 this summer.

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sirpless, Sunday, March 22, a son.  The Democratic majority is bound to be reduced in this township.

G M. Bowers moved to Mansfield, March 24.

Since the price of the WEEKLY NEWS has been reduced from $1.50 to $1 a year new subscribers have been going in rapidly.  The best newspaper in the county and only $1 a year are great inducements.

Pleasant Valley [Morrow County]

J. Orewiler is attending M. V. Hoover’s camp.  Owing to ill health, Mr. Hoover is not able to attend it himself.

Mrs. M. V. Hoover has been confined to her home for several days with a severe attack of rheumatism.

Last Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowles entertained about 60 guests at their home.  After eating maple taffy a while the rest of the evening was spent in dancing and other amusements.  The guests spent a very pleasant evening with their friends

Wednesday evening of last week about 50 persons went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barr to tender them a surprise to celebrate the seventh anniversary of their marriage  The occasion was a success as Mr. and Mrs. Barr were both completely surprised  An excellent time was had by all.  An excellent supper was served by the good ladies of the neighborhood.  Mrs. Barr received a number of presents. 

Miss Carrie Joslin, of Lexington, spent a few days with her friend, Mrs. F. Bowles.

Mrs. David Stough is visiting her daughter at Newark, O.

The death of Bill, the oldest horse in this vicinity, occurred Sunday night.  He was the property of N. Mitchell and was 29 years old.  He hunted fox ever since he was 3 years old and took his last hunt only a few weeks ago, while last spring, by the side of another horse, he plowed two acres of sod ground in a day for two days in succession.  Until a few years ago he could jump any ordinary fence without touching a rail and seemed to enjoy the fun while chasing a fox.

Since the price of the WEEKLY NEWS has been reduced from $1.50 to $1 a year new subscribers have been going in rapidly.  The best newspaper in the country and only $1 a year are great inducements.


The funeral of Mrs. Isabel Simpson, formerly of Columbus, O., occurred March 8, interment being made in the Bellville cemetery.  Mrs. Simpson was raised in this vicinity  She and her husband, George Simpson, became deranged several years ago and both have been confined in the Central asylum.  They were the parents of eight children, all of whom are prosperous and have exhibited a dutiful and affectionate disposition to their afflicted parents. 

J M. Lefevre, our old time clerk who is proprietor of a drug store in Garrett, Ind, attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Simpson.  R. Lantz and William Armstrong, old engineers on the B. & O., were also here for the same purpose.  Their wives are sisters of Mrs. Simpson.

The temperance meetings are kept going; speakers from a distance draw reasonably large crowds.  They have the good wishes of every citizen.

Your Correspondent got a combing for the last communication from here in the NEWS. 

Bloominggrove [Morrow County]

Dow Dickerson and Ella Woods recently returned from Ada last week where they have been attending school.

Lou Dickerson is visiting friends in Crestline this week.

Mrs. Mallie Harding will open a millinery store in this place of the first of April

Since the price of the WEEKLY NEWS has been reduced from $1.50 to $1 a year new subscribers have been going in rapidly.  The best newspaper in the county and only $1 a year are great inducements.

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