Richland Co., Ohio


Historical Records

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Henry Marr slavery papers found in Probate Court



Source:  THE OHIO LIBERAL, 09 January 1884


NO NEED OF IT NOW, AN INCIDENT OF SLAVERY DAYS – In overhauling the records at the Probate office recently, the LIBERAL came across the following entry upon one of the old records:

Be it remembered, that on the 7th. day of November, A.D. 1834, Henry Marr, a black man, produced his certificate of freedom, in the words and figures following to wit:  “Virginia, Culpepper County, to wit:  The bearer hereof, Henry Marr, a black man, about twenty-one years of age, five feet, six and a quarter inches high, and has a scar on the upper lip, just under the nose, occasioned by the cut of a knife, this day produced to me the following certificate:  “I William A. Lane, do hereby certify that the bearer hereof, Henry Marr, is a free man, and that he was bound to me by the overseers of the poor of Culpepper county.  He is now about twenty one years of age, and has always conducted himself with propriety.  I give this certificate that he may be regarded accordingly.  Given under my hand, this 1st. day of January, 1821.  W.A. Lane.” And desired to have his freedom registered;  wherefore, and in pursuance of an act entitled ‘an act regulating the police of towns in this commonwealth, and to restrain the practice of Negroes going at large,’ I, Thomas Lightfoot, Clerk of the Court of said county, have registered the same and granted him, the said Henry Marr, this copy. 

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said court, this 1st. day of January, 1821, in the 45th. year of the commonwealth.  – Thomas W. Lightfoot.

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