Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Personal Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1825

Sandusky Township

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1825

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Personal Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

Allen, Elisha Brown, Samuel Brown, Joseph Core, Jacob
Dise, Peter Doyle, John Fate, John Foreacre, Isaac
Fisher, Jacob Fox, Jacob Gill, David Hosford, Horace
Hardin, Amos Huff, Robert Hare, Edward Huff, Maria
Hibner, John Harlin, John Huffman, Joseph Kay, Moses
Leveridge, Nathaniel Leveridge, James Leveridge, Sarah Leveridge, William
Merryman, Nathaniel Mitchell, Matthew Moser, Jonathan Miller, Daniel
McCluer, James McCluer, John Nicholas, John Supell, Joseph
Row, Abraham Swarts, Sebastian Snyder, Christian Sylvester, William
Snyder, Adam Snyder, Cahtarine Snyder, Jacob Snyder, John
____, Frederick Taylor, Andrew Wood, George Wakefield, Jesse
Webster, Asaph William, Matthew - -

reference number = 1825 / 8268-8269

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