Richland Co., Ohio


School Records


Lexington High School Sophomores, 1940



Source: LEXIAN, 1940


Submitted by Joanna


Remember to use the "Find" feature of your browser software to locate specific surnames.  This feature is usually found under the "Edit" menu.


Row 1:  John Schmidt, Katherine Lawrence, Kenneth Armstrong, Vernelle Powell, Richard Fry, Lois Sowash, Lester Griebling (Class President), Dorothy Clever, Emer Roberts

Row 2:  Margaret Sabo, Richard Shrader, Dorothy Dill, Eugene Luedy, Glada Bachelder, Calvin Hampton, Helen Castor, Richard Creps, Wayne Coldwell

Row 3:  Paul Miller, Betty Dickson, Robert Geib, Mildred Lawrence, William Dale Ritchie, Mary Catherine McNaul, Nelson Reel, Gladys Fuhrer, Robert Snyder

Row 4:  Mary Kathryn Straub, Donn Horchler (Class Secretary), Mary Pollock, Donald Farst, Marie Robinson (Class Treasurer), Hobart Schindler, Marcile Shaffer, Sheldon Dillon, Doyal Slaton

Row 5:  Charles Maglott, Jessie Mae Wickline (Class Vice-President), Eugene Dorner, Ethel Heston, Robert Van Dine, Ruth Raitch, Bill Murray, Ruth Baker, Herman Boebel

Row 6:  Betty Snyder, Junior Walters, Dorothy Michel, Orland Hoover

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